12 Health Benefits of Melon
Melon or Cantaloupe is more than just a cool summer snack! Besides its cooling and soothing effects, melon is a nutritious punch offering a variety of health benefits. Melons might just be the best fruits for the summer season.
1. Anti- Cancer:
Melons are packed with high content of carotenoids which can prevent cancer and lower the risk of lung cancer. Eating melons regularly is effective in preventing and killing the cancer seeds that invade your body. So incorporate melons in your diet to prevent this deadly disease.
2. Promotes Heart Health:
An anticoagulant called adenosine present in melon fruit can stop the clotting of blood cells which causes stroke or heart disease. Melons lower the risk of heart disease by smoothing the blood in the body. Besides, the high content of water in melon provides a soothing effect which helps relieve heartburn.
3. Prevents and Cures Kidney Disease:
The excellent diuretic properties of melon are beneficial in curing kidney disease. The combination of melon and lemon is effective in curing gout. Thus, regular consumption of melons every day in the morning helps in maintaining kidney health.
4. Promotes Digestive Health:
Melons can facilitate smooth and easy bowel movement. The high content of water in melons is great for digestion as it helps launch defecation while the mineral content eliminates acidity that often causes difficulty in digestion, particularly in the stomach organ.
5. Energy Booster:
Most melons contain B vitamins which account for most of your body’s energy production. B vitamins are required by your body to process sugars and carbs. Thus, consumption of melons can provide you with substantial energy.
6. Weight Loss:
Like most other fruits, melons are ideal for weight loss. These fruits are low in sodium and calories as well as fat and cholesterol free. The high water content can keep you full for longer while the natural sweetness curbs your cravings for sugary foods and high calorie sweets. Watermelon, in particular, is great for weight loss with a whole cup providing just 48 calories.
7. Maintains Healthy Skin:
Melons are not only great for your health; their nutritional value makes them beneficial for skin as well. One of the amazing benefits of melon is that it contains collagen which maintains the integrity of the cell structure in all connective tissues including skin. It also speeds up wound healing and maintains skin firmness. Regular consumption of melon is beneficial for those who have rough and dry skin.
8. Anti- Aging Benefits:
Melons like honeydew, cantaloupe and watermelon can tone your skin and provide anti-ageing benefits due to the presence of vitamins A, B and C. You can prepare an anti-ageing facial mask by cutting thin slices of fresh melon. Place these slices on your face and neck. Lie down and relax for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. This will refresh your skin and provide a youthful glow.
9. Good Moisturizer:
Melons have good moisturizing and energizing properties. You can prepare a moisturizing face mask by mixing cucumber with honeydew melon. Take half small sized fresh cucumber along with its seeds and skin, few slices of peeled honeydew melon and an egg white. Blend these ingredients in a blender or food processor to form a cream like paste. Apply this on your face, massaging with your fingertips in upward circular motions. Allow it to stay for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. This mask will not only enrich your skin with a variety of nutrients but also soak up any oil or dirt that clogs your pores. It will also soften your skin, imparting it a smooth and radiant complexion.
10. Promotes Hair Growth:
Melons, particularly, cantaloupes are a good source of beta carotene which is converted to vitamin A inside the body. This vitamin A is vital for healthy hair and normal hair growth.
11. Prevents Hair Loss:
Deficiencies in B vitamins are also responsible for causing hair loss. Melons like cantaloupes are rich in B vitamins like folic acid and inositol which help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.
12. Prevents Metabolic Syndrome
Intake of cantaloupe has recently been found to lower risk of metabolic syndrome. In a study involving hundreds of women living and teaching in Tehran, Iran, the lowest risk of metabolic syndrome was found to occur in women who ate the greatest amount of fruit. (In this study, the “greatest amount” meant a minimum of 12 ounces per day.) Five fruits contributed most to total fruit intake: apples, grapes, cantaloupe, watermelon, and bananas. Women who consumed the largest amounts of these fruits were also determined to have the healthiest levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in their bloodstream. CRP is an indicator very commonly used to assess levels of inflammation, and it’s very likely that the anti-inflammatory phytonutrients in cantaloupe and other fruits contributed not only to these participants’ healthy levels of CRP but also to their decreased risk of metabolic syndrome.